Rules and Regulations
Proper golf etiquette should be maintained by all. Golf is a much nicer game when we respect the course and other players using it. Be considerate of others and help maintain the beauty and playability of our course by replacing divots, raking sand traps and repairing ball marks on the greens. Observe all rules posted by the Town of Fairfield regarding cart paths, dress code, etc.
Weekend Tournaments
Most weekends, there will be designated events with Scoring Summary sheets posted on the large scoreboard outside. All members are required to post their name(s) on the tournament scoreboard prior to teeing off. The Tournament Chairman will be responsible for running Weekend Tournaments. Any questions regarding these tournaments should be directed to the Tournament Chairman.
Scoring Procedures
Tournament scores must be posted on the scoreboard, and scorecards must be signed, attested and dated. Adjusted scores must also be posted in the computer. Failure to comply with scoring procedures will result in disqualification.
Every player competing in a Men's Club tournament, or representing the Men's Club in an outside tournament, must appear for his scheduled tee time and post a score. Any player who fails to do so without just cause shall be barred from competing in next year's tournament upon majority vote of the Officers and Board of Governors at the next regularly scheduled meeting. This rule supersedes any previous rule.
Each Outside Tournament will have a Designated Tournament Coordinator who will be responsible for running the particular event. Any questions regarding these tournaments should be directed to the Tournament Coordinator and/or the Outside Tournament Chairman.
All members will receive handicaps provided by the GHIN system. The system currently defaults all of our members to our "White Tee" rating. If you desire, the Handicap Chairman can default your GHIN number to the tee box you normally play.
Score Posting & Weekend Events
All members are required to post their adjusted score in the computer. All scores, both 9 holes and 18 holes, should be posted. Any member that doesn't post a tournament score will be disqualified from that tournament. Furthermore, you will receive a "Penalty Score" from the Handicap Committee. Members that habitually fail to post scores are subject to receive steeper penalties. Penalties can include additional "Penalty Scores" and exclusion from future tournaments.
USGA rules will govern all play unless otherwise established by our "Local Rules" and/or the Tournament Committee. Rulebooks are readily available in the Pro Shop. Failure to comply with the Rules of Golf will result in penalties being assessed and/or disqualification from tournaments.
Slow Play
Slow play will not be tolerated. Players can and will receive warnings from the Rangers, Tournament Committee and/or Pro Shop. Players habitually disregarding this policy can be excluded from future club tournaments. Additionally, players may be suspended from Men's Club tournaments for being deemed a slow player.